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Everything You Need to Know in One Place
In the conditions of a shortage of qualified labor in many sectors, the question of how to hire a foreign worker becomes extremely important. In order to be able to answer it, we must first define the term foreigner.
Any person who is not a EU citizen (does not have EU citizenship) is considered a foreigner. The conditions for residence and work of third-country nationals in the EU are governed by the provisions of the Foreigners Act. Find out below how to hire a foreign worker depending on different circumstances (every EU country has different Act) and what documentation you need.
As mentioned above every EU member state has different Act. A worker who is not a citizen of a member of the European Union (workers from third countries) can work for a EU employer based on one of the following conditions:
1. residence, work permits and entering VISA;
2. work registration certificates (up to 90 or 30 days in one calendar year);
3. without a residence and work certificate and entering VISA or work registration certificate (in special cases defined by the Foreign Workers Act).
Many variations of passage of lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered alterations in some form injected humour, or randomised words slightly.
Many variations of passage of lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered alterations in some form injected humour, or randomised words slightly.
You can’t hire him. An employer in EU can only employ a foreigner (a citizen of a third country) if he has obtained a residence, work permit and entering VISA or a work registration certificate. In addition, he can only be employed in those jobs for which a work permit or residence registration certificate has been issued.
A citizen of a third country can work in the EU only in those jobs for which he has been issued a residence and work permit or a work registration certificate. In addition, he can only work for the employer with whom he established an employment relationship.
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