Temporary employment is the agency’s activity as the so-called of the primary employer, which enters into an employment law contract with the worker, who then assigns him to another employer (user), for whom that worker actually performs work (tripartite relationship).
This form of employment appears as a result of the development of the labor market and labor relations in the direction of the so-called flexibilization of labor relations. Employers resort to temporary employment in order to reduce business costs, especially if the need for a worker of a certain profile is temporary or if its duration is not known in advance. Most workers accept such a relationship because they have no other choice, and only a small part because it suits them better.
The difference to mediation in employment is that mediation excludes the direct entry of the person who mediates into the employment relationship, so that his activity is limited to looking for an opportunity for employment and trying to conclude an employment contract between the worker and the employer.
The basic regulation regulating temporary employment in Croatia is the Labor Law, Title III, Art. 24 to 32